Sunday, September 06, 2009

The past couple of weeks have been a challenge for me but through it all, I've had a positive outlook. One thing in particular had occurred that I couldn't fix immediately. I was humbled. I had to put my ego in check, look for ways to solve the problem and (egads!) ask for help.

My family members and close friends say that I'm "independent". It's code for "she doesn't ask for help" or "she doesn't need anyone. I took pride in that for many years. After all, I was raised to take care of myself, my affairs. I also hated to ask for something and be told "no", regardless of the reason. I just couldn't handle it. Only if a task, a project, a problem just could not be done or solved after many exhausting attempts, did I ask for help. I thought that asking for help revealed a flaw or was a sign of failure.

In recent times, I had to ask myself what do I gain from being "independent". I just wrote about the pride I took in being this way...but what is pride and why was I so proud of it? After all, wasn't I saying to others what I hate When someone asks if they can lend assistance...whether it is carrying something or helping with a project...and I say "no", what am I telling them? I don't need or want their help? And, how does that make them feel?

I'm discovering that people want to feel needed, they want to contribute to others. As Stephen Covey said in The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, interdependence is a sign of maturity. We go from being totally dependent as infants, to independent as we get older and should grow to become interdependent.

I've been stuck in independent happy to say that I did it all by myself. Now doesn't that sound like a toddler who wants to carry his glass of juice, yelling "I can do it!" as drops of juice fall on the floor?

People are communal. Most of us want to contribute what we can to others. We want to give. I know that I do. There's a sense of fulfillment when one can give, contribute, share, or assist someone. Children get it. Ever see a little one assist a parent with some task, perform it to the best of their abilities and the parent tells them "Good job!"? They are so happy to be the little helper.

I am learning the importance of being interdependent, to be a receiver of someone's generosity, as well as a giver. Ego is a barrier.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The Journey Begins

I am on a journey to change my's that simple. Okay, changing one's life is not that simple, really. Otherwise I would have done it already! What was simple was the choice: do I want to continue to live a lackluster life or do I want to live a life of passion and make a contribution to others? The answer was a no-brainer. I hate being bored and I was with my life but I was stuck in neutral.

Over the past few years, I got off track. I went from a life-loving woman who traveled and made arrangements for others to do the same to a woman who went thru life daily without a plan or purpose. I enjoyed creating beautiful braid styles for an established clientele, in addition to working a full time job. Where did that woman go? It was a question I had been asking for quite sometime. I came to the conclusion that the woman is gone but a new and improved woman will emerge.

I've grown sick and tired of being broke and broken, of being bored and boring, of being lifeless and having a soul with a void. I could either continue on that path or create a new one.

So here I am, a woman on a mission and with a purpose. Instead of letting life lead me, I'm leading my life by doing the things that bring joy and excitement. I love to travel and make vacation and group arrangements, so I'm working on rebuilding that business and planning on taking trips to places I'd like to visit and discover. I always loved creating beautiful braid styles, so I have started doing it again and I'm glad that I did. Both provide the opportunity to meet new and interesting people and to bring joy to them. I'm considering becoming a Passion Party consultant...that can bring joy and passion to people :-)

I want my spirit to soar! I want to feed my soul and discover my purpose, which I believe is to contribute to other people's lives in a different and genuine way.

I'd like to share my journey with anyone interested in living vicariously. I will also share my thoughts on current events that affect me in some form or fashion. It is my hope that those who choose to follow this blog will find it interesting and inspiring.

I want to hear from you! Share your journey on living a passionate and fulfilling life.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Garden Woes

So glad that the weather is improving cuz I wanna get back into my garden and start digging. I bought some caladium bulbs this weekend but didn't have time to clear the bed and plant them. I wanted to get out there but Sable kept me busy this weekend.

Jose didn't come to cut my grass this weekend and I'm a little disappointed. After 7 days of rain, the grass is pretty tall and is in need of a good trimming. I'm sure the neighbors who either cut their own grass or had their yards done are not too pleased with my yard. I don't get caught up in that really, I just hear other people say how their neighbors are when their yards need attention. Looking at shows like "Desperate Landscaping" where the neighbors complain irritates me. I'm like this, if you have a problem, offer to help. Otherwise shut up! My across-the-street neighbor is retired, so he has the time to do what needs to be done in his yard. For those of us who work, we gotta do what we gotta do when we have the time to do it.

The areas where I've planted are growing nicely. My daylillies should be in bloom very soon. Looking forward to the added color in that area. My hibiscus plants are blooming and they look so good. The hosta that came up from last year is growing like a weed. It's funny what a good week of rain will do.

Friday, May 08, 2009

Sable has her own Blog!

That's right, Sable has her own blog! It's my plan to chronicle her life and living. Go check her out from time to time.

Thursday, May 07, 2009

Meet Sable

Well this sucker is trying so hard not to fall in love with this sweet little kitten that I have adopted.
She's very small...about the size of my hand. I don't know how she found her way under an SUV but fortunately a little girl told my friend about her and my friend saw (and heard!) her, called me to see if I would take her in.
After work I met her. Went to the store to get a Newborn Care Pack for Kittens, which contains a bottle with nipple, formula for kittens and some other stuff, including a book on how to save a little kitten's life. She was the star of PetSmart. I carried her in her little blanket and everyone wanted to see the little teeny thing.
She's a very dark brown little bundle of fur and teeny weeny claws. She was so quiet during our trip. She stretched some, yawned a little but mostly slept.
I brought her home and set her down in her blanket while I prepared her formula. I had trouble with piercing her bottle nipple. When I was ready to get started, I had to wake her up. She rejected the nipple. Finally I squeezed some formula in my hand and she lapped it up. Had the nerve to bite my hand with her toothless self LOL I dipped the nipple in the formula but she still rejected it. According to what I've read, I was not to force her to feed but I knew she had not eaten in quite some time. I squeezed more into my hand and she licked it up.
Because she can barely hold her head up, I was concerned that she would inhale the formula which could lead to a respiratory problem.
Then the fun part came up...trying to stimulate her to eliminate. She protested like no one's business. One thing is for sure, that little dickens can scream! Such a big sound coming out of such a little thing! She was trying her best to get away from the wet terrycloth that I used to get her to go. She didn't. The stuff I've read said that it's not uncommon for them not to eliminate.
So I wrapped her up in her blanket and laid her down. She got herself in a comfortable position and then she settled down for a nap.
It's going to be a long night. I'm supposed to feed her every 3 hours around the clock. She fed about an hour ago. It's now 12:03am...gotta get ready for Sable in another 1.5 hours. This time I'm going to attempt to nurse her with a smaller nipple.
I'm going to take her to the vet on Saturday. I pray nothing is wrong with her and that she will feed eventually.
I'm scared.

I'm Such a Sucker!

Dammit...I had to answer the phone just now. On the other end of the line was a neighbor who asked me if I would be willing to give a little teeny kitten a home. Apparently the kitty is mewing under a car. I asked if the kitty was alone or if other litter mates or mommie cat was nearby. No. Then I started to feel bad for the kitty, all alone, probably wet from all this rain and scared. So my neighbor is going to hold the kitty for me until I get home.

So that means I gotta go out and get kitty litter and food and stuff. And then I'm gonna have to take the little one to the vet to make sure s/he is healthy and okay.

I love cats but after losing Gizmo then Gadget and Miss Snowflake decided that being an outdoor cat is something that works best for her, my heart can't take another little one. But I'd feel especially bad if something happened to this little one.

Maybe I can take it in for a little while as I search for a new home for it.

Monday, May 04, 2009

I'm Baaaacckkkk!

I know, I know - cuz folks keep telling me - It's been a long time since I've posted to my blog. Well my silence doesn't mean that I haven't had anything to say...just that I haven't taken the time to say things here. :-)

A lot of things have happened since October 2008. Hmm, let's see, we have elected Barack Obama as the 43rd President of the United States (still can't believe that, but am happy!); I signed up for Facebook and Twitter; fall and winter came and went, now it's spring!

I've started braiding hair again, after a 4 year break. I've braided hair for almost 20 years. When I moved into my home, I didn't take it up anymore. But I'm back now!

I don't plan to take anymore breaks, unless they are vacation breaks. I want to start sharing thoughts and ideas and I want to hear from folks, near and far.