Sunday, January 13, 2008

Time Passes Right Along

My mother used to bellow "Time waits for no one!" whenever I was running late or when she thought I was wasting time. Now that I'm older and it seems that time does in fact fly - whether I'm having fun or not - her words are more meaningful.

I think the flying of time becomes more relevant when I am procrastinating. An hour can seem like a long time to get somewhere on time but it's not when you aren't fully dressed and still need to make a 30 minute trek. Like money, one has to budget time, less it runs out because you think you have more of it than you actually do. Maybe that's why I don't like being tied to clocks and schedules...too much like a commitment. Actually time is a commitment, as are budgets. Hmmm...maybe that's why people who are good with time are also good with money...or so it seems.

There's that ugly word - commitment. I never really like to commit to something, especially if it's something I don't feel compelled to do or there's a possibility of something else coming up that I find more interesting. Selfish? Probably. I look at it this way, there's only a certain amount of time one has available. Rarely is time your in, you have absolute possession or control. And in life, you have to commit time in order to make a living, have even the basic living conditions and to relate to others. After all, there are deadlines that must be met, bills that must be paid, schedules that must be honored, promises that are to be honored, which depends on time. Sure, you can resist deadlines, schedules and promises at your own peril. Try eating something after its expiration date...if the worst consequence from that action is that it tastes yucky, you're lucky. LOL

Therefore, we must commit to some things in life...which means the sacrifice of time, money, or something else of value. After all, life is about sacrifices.

Now that I am older and I see how fast time goes by, it's worthwhile to use it wisely and judiciously. I read somewhere that the former president of Morehouse College said that getting somewhere or doing something before the deadline is doing it on time; getting somewhere or doing something at the appointed time is not on time. Budgeting time by finishing or getting somewhere before the appointed time allows for the opportunity of doing something else that can be meaningful in the meantime. That time can be spent reading, resting, a project, exhaling, smelling flowers or enjoying an engaging conversation with a stranger. It also allows time to breathe easier because you met your end of the commitment.

Fair warning though, if you're due at my house at 3pm and you knock on my door at 2:30pm expecting open arms because you deem that to be on time...keep in mind it will not be well received. Stay in the car or call me on the "on time" may be just a little later that 2:30pm but it will still be "on time". LOL

I'm still a work in progress!

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Yes We Can!

The Associated Press and CNN have projected that Hillary Clinton won the New Hampshire primary. But I ain't mad! So far, he's a close second. Despite what the pollsters said as late as today, Hillary won after all. I don't put much stock in polls, especially those before votes are cast. I'm actually glad that he lost New Hampshire...Barack can exhale for a moment, dig in a little more and we can then see what stuff he's got deep down inside. I hope he refrains from being nasty (he's not about that, so I'm not that concerned). Start talking more about the fact, bring them out a little more, especially about the economy because working class families are really feeling the pinch. He better reach out to my crowd a little more: 35-50 year olds and women, now that Hillary has "found her voice". Oprah going to come out again and help build up momentum?

I aint mad! It's time to move on. This is just one state...48 states and the District of Columbia are still in play. That means each of us have to step up and get out the vote...not just our individual votes but those of the people in our families, in our communities. Barack just said "Nothing can stand in the way of the voices of the people who stand for change!" I'm all for that!

What was most impressive to me was the turn out. People came out in large numbers for Democratic candidates! Of the 500,000 people who voted in NH, some 280,000 Dems voted. Regardless who they voted for, it's so cool to see people standing in line, breaking a state record for primary vote to say "This is the person I want to see in the White House next year!"

So what are you willing to do for the candidate of your choice?

Sunday, January 06, 2008

To Fear or Not to Fear

I am so excited about the Obama win in Iowa on January 3, 2008. Not just because I am a supporter but because of the historical factor...A Black person running for president is finally being seen as a possibility and his bid is not about race.

While I am happy for the brother, I am afraid for him all the more. History has taught us that people who are about change, doing something different, not all about the status quo, are marked people. And if you're about all of that and you are Black, you've got a bulls-eye on your back. In my lifetime, people like Malcolm X and Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. were taken out because they were about change. As much as I'd like to think (and believe) that things are different in the new millenium, I have my doubts. There are a number of nutjobs out there...people who don't want things to change...or they do want things to change - right back to the way they were: Jim Crow, disenfranchisement of women, etc. You know, when people had "their place" in society and that was just fine.

History has also taught us that people don't want to be "placed", they want to grow, to evolve, to dream, to live life to the fullest, to accomplish goals, to uplift themselves and others. Who really wants to hear that they should not or cannot achieve something? Sure, some people believe what others tell them and bow down, while others believe in their abilities and their goals and go forward. Consider that those who were instrumental in the development of personal computers, software and Internet capabilities made it possible for me to write in a blog and you to read mine and others.

I don't want to live in fear...fear for people like the Obamas and the Bhuttos of the world. People like them were constantly told "you can't" or "you shouldn't". Yet they did. Unfortunately, Sister Bhutto's life was ended by those who didn't want her to do or to be. But her legacy, her words, her drive still lives on in those who believe and lights a torch in others.

While a number of Black folks are collectively holding their breaths, hoping and praying that no one hurts Obama, there are non-Blacks who share the same fear.

I'm glad that there are people who don't let fear hold them back from pursuing goals. That's one of the lessons I'm learning from Obama and Bhutto. I no longer want to live in fear because it shows lack of faith in myself, in my abilities to achieve the goals I've set. To be afraid for Obama's safety gives power to his haters. I believe it was Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. who said something about the willingness to die for something in which you believe. That's truly living passionately in my book! And that's what people who do not let fear enter into their mindset or allow the word "cannot" in their vocabulary do - live life passionately.

As I go through life, I will no longer hold my breath everytime Obama is in a crowd or let fear enter into my mindset as I set goals and work towards achieving them. Obstacles and challenges always present themselves...that which doesn't kill, makes one stronger!

How do you go about living a fearless life?

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Smiling...and Positive Thoughts

Today, D, his daughter and I were at the Verizon kiosk at Circuit City. During an attempt to resolve an issue, the Verizon rep kept calling me "Ma'am", which irritated me because I don't like being referred to by that term. As each year passes, more and more people have used that term to address me. It makes me wonder if I look that old to people.

As we walked away from the kiosk, I told D that I must do something to change the way I look or something to reduce being "Ma'am-ed". I was thinking that maybe I should wear makeup more often, start wearing contacts, dye my hair more often. He said I should smile more. I was surprised. I didn't think I looked mean or frowned while out and least not anymore.

When I was younger, people used to tell me to smile. I remember a bus driver told me - point blank - that I should smile and at least appear that I enjoy life. I rolled my eyes at him. :-) Heck, I was embarrassed because I was boarding the bus and others heard him. But his comment always stuck with me. I tried not to frown or look mean anymore but I guess I haven't fully accomplished that goal.

During the rest of our shopping excursion, I felt self conscious. I tried to keep smiling but like I told D, I thought I'd look like a smiling fool.

It makes me wonder how I present myself to the world. Do I look like I'm irritated or mean or unapproachable? I know that I tend to wear my thoughts on my sleeve - so to speak. I must do it more often than I thought.

I can walk around telling myself to smile. But I think the ticket is to think more positive and pleasant thoughts. Hmmm...that would take care of two things...increase my public persona and enhance my overall well-being.
It's 2008!!!

Although 2007 went by quickly, I am glad that it is over. It has been a turmultous year. Drama with work, financial challenges and having the blues. But I'm not going to dwell on the negative because there were some "plus" moments:

  • I've determined what type of romantic relationship I want and I started the work to achieve it.
  • I've overcome obstacles, jumped through hoops and am here to talk about it.
  • I have wonderful friends!
  • I rediscovered crochet and I love it!
  • I finally had a procedure done that will improve my quality of life.
  • I lost about 25 pounds.
  • Thanks to "Dancing with the Stars", I reconnected with a friend of a friend (who is now my friend) and was introduced to DC Hand Dancing. Lessons begin January 8...I'm so there!

This year is going to be a lot better than the last because I am going to make it so.