Tuesday, November 29, 2005

I Hate Metro

For those of you who are unfamiliar with DC, Metro is the area transit system. I hate it. Call me a snob, I still hate it. I hate that I have to rely on it to get to work now that the location of my job has changed and management discontinued subsidized parking for ten of us...but that's another story.

My bus was at least 35 minutes late this morning. I don't know if it ever came because I called a cab and paid $7 to take me to the train station. This happens so often that I finally called the customer complaint office. It's not the bus driver's fault, she has to drive on Route 210, a notorious parking lot of a roadway during rush hour and only 2 buses handle the route in the morning. Really nice guy took my complaint and told me that the county, not Metro, determines if additional buses can be added to the route...something that is sorely needed. Oh well...nothing is going to change in this decade.

Then there's the rail system. It's been around since the 70s and operates like it's the 80s. Tons of people ride the system daily...but the system doesn't seem be all that accommodating to the number of riders. Heck, the connection stations, where two different lines meet, have platforms that are not designed to handle hundreds of people. I'm surprised people haven't fallen onto the tracks because the platforms are so crowded.

But the riders take the cake. It is while riding public transportation that you can determine who had home training and who did not; who have common sense and who are a few cards shy of a full deck. There are a lot of ignorant ninnies who ride Metro rail. I think some of them wait to get on the train to sneeze or cough in your face without covering their mouths; pick their noses and rub whatever they withdraw on poles and seats; and act a fool just because no one is going to do anything about it. I find the people on the NYC rails entertaining...I find the people on Metro disgusting or just plain stupid. I mean, why do you enter the car and just stand there blocking the entrance and the aisle when there are seats available? Why do you think that your handbag or knapsack or plastic bag deserves a seat over a paying customer, especially on a crowded train? Why do you squeeze me against the train's wall in an attempt to sit your not-so-small self in the seat next to me, as well as the one that I am occupying? Why do you allow me to sit next to you in the aisle seat and get comfortable when you know you are about to get off at the next stop?

I hate Metro.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

The Day Before Thanksgiving

Okay, I'm not one of those overly-sentimental Thanksgiving people...at least, not anymore. I used to love Thanksgiving...sweet potato pies made by my Nana and rolls and macaroni and cheese and collard greens and ham and candied yams and string beans and egg nog...the list goes on and on and on. But what made Thanksgiving the holidays of holidays was the people. Nana and Uncle Marshall are gone now...so those wonderful sweet potato pies are no more. My mother is going through one of her "spells" and my dad is in a nursing home. I miss them all tremendously. I could go to the shore and spend time with my sister and her fam but I ain't really feeling up to it. I know that I'd have some chuckles (my sister and brother-in-law should have their own reality show). I've been an emotional wreck this week and I'm worn out on so many levels...I'm going to chill out and watch the Cowboys game.

Holiday Preparation

People crack me up when it comes to preparation for Thanksgiving. Some complain to the nines about all they have to do in order to get the meal on the table. Others have fits around Cousin It and Uncle Fester and Grandma Gumps coming over and wreaking havoc. But they wouldn't have it any other way. For the most part, I think people really enjoy fussing over the meal and entertaining close and distant relatives...no matter how dysfunctional they may be. Sure, someone is going to go overboard and either cuss or get cussed out...somebody else is going to break something...and someone is going to complain about the bird being too dry...and somebody is going to compare So-and-So's greens don't taste like Such-and-Such's. But isn't that what it's all about? At the end of the day, when the lethargy kicks in and the dishes are placed in the dishwasher, everyone will have enjoyed their time together and be so thankful for all of their blessings. And that's what it's all about.
Nicety's Cafe

Welcome to my blog! This is all pretty new to me, so bear with me as I find my way.

It's funny that I should include "cafe" in my title, considering I do not like coffee. But there's something about cafes that interest me...people sitting around sipping their beverages as they read or chit chat with a friend or surf the Internet. It just seems like a relaxing, kick-back type of place, even though I don't frequent cafes. I guess that's what I want this blog to be.

Why blog?

To be honest, I hit the wrong button while attempting to post to a coworker's blog http://www.secretcandy.blogspot.com and I ended up creating one of my own. But then I said, "What the heck?". After all, I like to write and I'm always thinking about things that I'd love to share with others but no one's usually around at the time. So I decided to use this as my personal musing corner.

So you may see all kinds of commentary or vignettes of my personal life that maybe, just maybe, someone would find interesting. Feel free to share your comments and opinions.

Most of all, I look at this as a journey and I hope you will continue to join me.
